Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mellon Foundation Assesses the State of Scholarly Publishing - Chronicle.com

 Mellon Foundation Assesses the State of Scholarly Publishing - Chronicle.com

Mellon Foundation Assesses the State of Scholarly Publishing


Annual reports aren't exactly beach reading, but for anyone interested in the current condition of scholarly communication, the just-published 2007 report of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—particularly the essay on "Scholarly Publishing Initiatives" by Donald J. Waters and Joseph S. Meisel—is a page turner.

The foundation's deep pockets and commitment to humanistic research give Mellon a unique role in the university-press world. It's part fairy godmother, part life coach, and part enigmatic guru. When Mellon speaks, presses listen—and this year Mellon has spoken more frankly than usual, pushing its constituents to learn how to work better together, while reassuring them that what they do is vital and should endure.

Nearly a year has passed since the foundation made the first awards in two new series of publishing grants: one designed to get presses to collaborate on new series of monographs by junior scholars in underserved areas of the humanities, and the other to persuade presses to form partnerships with their home institutions on projects that further the scholarly agendas of both (The Chronicle, November 9, 2007).

The 2007 report offers a chance to take a first look at whether the new grant-making strategy is paying off. And it hints at where the foundation thinks scholarly publishing has gone wrong lately—and what may put it right again.

The Power of Positivity

Part of the trick to weathering a crisis, if that's the right word for what scholarly publishing faces, is not being told what to do but simply that you will pull through it. The Mellon report avoids the hot-tempered talk and hot-button issues (it offers no opinions about open access, for instance). It neither downplays nor overplays the gravity of the situation.

"There are difficult problems in scholarly publishing, and as we mentioned in our essay, the language of 'crisis' has a very long history," Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel told The Chronicle in an e-mail interview. "However, our view is that it is more useful to analyze problems constructively and systematically rather than to characterize the system generally as 'in crisis.'"

Mr. Waters leads the foundation's scholarly-communications program; Mr. Meisel helps oversee its agenda for bolstering research universities and humanistic scholarship. In their essay, the authors follow a simple strategy: Remind readers of the unique (and uniquely challenged) role that university presses have always played. Recap 30 years of crisis and opportunity. Review previous attempts at improving the situation. Reflect on what has worked and be candid about what hasn't.

University-press output, the authors remind readers, amounted to just 5 percent of the total number of books produced by American publishers in 2005. "However, the significance of university-press publishing is far greater than its niche position in the larger publishing industry would suggest," they write. "For example, following September 11, 2001, when the public searched for understanding and context in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the three best-selling books in the United States were all published by university presses."

That doesn't change, however, "the steady decline in average sales of scholarly titles"—a trend that has fueled an equally steady stream of crisis talk. Here Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel pick up another theme that has become popular lately: Take the long view. That's what the sociologist Andrew Abbott did in a plenary talk at the most recent gathering of the Association of American University Presses, held in Montreal in June.

As Mr. Abbott made clear in his talk, which drew on 80 years of data, university-press publishing has never been the easiest of businesses, and complaints about it have displayed "a stupefying, hilarious consistency" over the decades.

Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel leverage that history to set up a discussion of the biggest challenge/opportunity to confront university presses so far: the digital age. Their analysis confirms what many observers have already concluded. The transition to e-books has not been as smooth and as rapid as Mellon (and many others) thought it would be.

In the 1970s, "circumstances appeared so dire for university presses" that the foundation jumped in with title subsidies for individual monographs, only to discover that such help "did little to change the presses' underlying financial and productive capacities." The foundation then decided, in the late 1990s, "that books would quickly follow journals into online distribution and access," so it put money behind two e-monograph projects, Gutenberg-e and History E-Books. The results were mixed, to say the least (The Chronicle, March 7).

The Gutenberg-e monographs "proved far too expensive to sustain," the report notes, and journal editors resisted reviewing them. (Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel also note that review editors almost all wanted printed versions instead.) Gutenberg-e authors also failed to get as much professional bounce from the project as the foundation had hoped; so far, only 12 of the 22 whose books have been published in the series have landed on the tenure track.

The History E-Book project—now called Humanities E-Book—fared a bit better, but the report mentions that "after almost nine years, authors have produced only 55 of the promised 85 new e-books." At least that project has become self-sustaining—a goal that Mellon strongly encourages grant recipients to strive for—and its digitized backlist has proved unexpectedly popular with subscribers.

"Both projects have been extremely valuable in demonstrating the capabilities and requirements for publishing monographs authored specifically for electronic media," Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel write, "but neither of them succeeded in establishing the core hypothesis that such books would be cheaper to produce and distribute than those designed for print media."

Collaboration Over Coercion

Mellon has steered clear of attaching digital expectations to its most-recent university-press grants. In their interview with The Chronicle, Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel acknowledged that "these programs, in keeping with our understanding of the general needs, make no assumptions about the technologies of production and distribution." Instead, the foundation has opted to support interpress monograph-series collaborations and intra-university partnerships with a publishing angle—but it has imposed no digital requirements or expectations.

In the biggest grant made in the first category, five presses, led by New York University Press, will get $1.37-million over five years for a new series called the American Literatures Initiative (The Chronicle, January 18). In the second category, one finds entries such as "Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement," coordinated by the University of North Carolina Press; it also involves the Carolina Digital Library and Archives, the university law school's Center for Civil Rights, and the Southern Oral History Program. Mellon awarded a three-year, $937,000 grant to that undertaking (The Chronicle, February 8). Such experiments "reduce the cost and risk of exploring new areas of collaboration," Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel told The Chronicle.

But even a million-plus dollars of Mellon money can't change human nature. Put people from five different companies (or from different institutions on the same campus) in a room, and it will take some wrangling to get them to agree on anything.

"We knew the first year would be challenging because we have so many procedures and practices to set up," said Steve Maikowski, director of New York University Press, when asked how the American Literatures Initiative is shaping up. Mr. Maikowski's press heads the effort, which also includes the presses of Fordham, Rutgers, and Temple Universities, and the University of Virginia.

Almost every decision—hiring an outside managing editor to oversee the series, settling on an interior book-design template, agreeing on a copy-editing budget and standards—involved a debate. "I knew this was going to be the toughest part because you're asking presses to give up proprietary control and make compromises in some areas," the NYU Press director said.

But real work has begun on what Mr. Maikowski calls the "transformative elements" of the collaboration. For instance, the series' managing editor has begun to build "a very exciting Web-based production model where each of these manuscripts can be viewed by each managing editor" at each press. That may be operational by summer's end. And they're experimenting with how to tag content better, so that the presses can use it in a variety of ways later.

It took a while for the member presses to round up books for the series. About seven have been signed so far. (The goal is five a year for each press.) The partners are still working out a joint marketing plan.

"The collaborative learning curve is very steep in these first six or seven months," Mr. Maikowski said, "but it's flattened."

At the University of North Carolina, where the press leads a Mellon-financed, intra-university project on the "Long Civil Rights Movement," the collaborators have big dreams.

So far, enthusiasm has carried the day. "It's been a very open kind of conversation," said Sylvia K. Miller, the project's director. Ms. Miller came aboard in early June. The group's first goal is to inventory all the campus resources that could be included in the project. An interdisciplinary conference is in the works for next spring. There's talk of starting an online, multimedia journal.

"And on top of that—this is early days, so we're not sure what form this will take, but we all like the idea—some kind of publishing platform on which scholars in this field could do research, especially in some of the primary-source material that we would like to make available or at least discoverable through a search," Ms. Miller said. "This publishing platform would be an environment in which scholars could work together and converse about what they're doing and conduct formal and informal peer review."

As for how the press would benefit from all of this, Ms. Miller said that "we see all these ideas as feeding into developing ideas for the press. We're not necessarily going to leave print publication behind, but we have different directions in which we may move."

Hands On, Hands Off

Many who have worked with Mellon on the new grants describe the foundation as "hands on" during the application process. But after it accepts a proposal, the foundation does step back. "They made it clear that they were not micromanagers," Mr. Maikowski said. "Mellon is leaving it up to the presses to drive and direct and manage their projects and initiatives."

The Chronicle suggested to Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel that Mellon's current grant-making strategy could be viewed as a sort of social engineering, with university-press culture as its subject.

"The phrase 'social engineering' suggests that the Mellon Foundation decides what should happen and somehow guides grant recipients to do something they would not necessarily do (or want to do) on their own," the foundation officers told The Chronicle in response. "Mellon's grant-making programs sometimes encourage change but not without extensive consultation with potential grantees and only with institutions that decide they want to follow a certain course by responding to an invitation to apply for a grant."

Mellon appears determined to stay the collaborative course, with program staff members authorized to "seek high-quality proposals in each area" through next year. Another call for proposals went out in May, with winners to be announced at the end of the summer.

Asked how the foundation would decide whether the collaborative grants had been money well spent, Mr. Waters and Mr. Meisel told The Chronicle that they would "be looking for evidence of improvements in the number and quality of monographs that are produced, as well as in the production and distribution of monographs." In the intra-university partnerships, they want to see "evidence of sustained capacity of the presses to support the academic priorities of their home universities."

Time, as they say, will tell. "It's been a learning process for a number of us," Mr. Maikowski said. "But in the end, the prospect of everything we can accomplish—that can create some sustainability—is what we're hoping for."

Mellon Foundation Assesses the State of Scholarly Publishing - Chronicle.com

SmartCopying - National Copyright

"Although its Australian -- the site does bring up some good information on the general issues of copyright"  -- HSM


The "Smart Copying Website" is currently under development by the Copyright Advisory Group (CAG), a committee of the Schools Resourcing Taskforce (SRT) of the Australian Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA). The completed site, scheduled to be available in late 2008, will provide a comprehensive guide to copyright issues affecting Australian Schools. In the meantime, please refer to the National Copyright Guidelines on this site. The Guidelines have been designed to provide a quick reference guide to copyright issues affecting Australian schools. They are not intended to provide a detailed response to specific copyright questions or legal advice. For further information on specific copyright issues affecting your school, department or educational institution contact your Local Copyright Manager.

SmartCopying - National Copyright

First it was downloads. Now it's organic chemistry. - International Herald Tribune


First it was downloads. Now it's organic chemistry.

By Randall Stross

Published: July 27, 2008

After scanning his textbooks and making them available to anyone to download free, a contributor at the file-sharing site PirateBay.org composed a colorful message for "all publishers" of college textbooks, warning them that "myself and all other students are tired of getting" ripped off. (The contributor's message included many ripe expletives, but hey, this is a family newspaper.)

All forms of print publishing must contend with the digital transition, but college textbook publishing has a particularly nasty problem on its hands. College students may be the angriest group of captive customers to be found anywhere.

Consider the cost of a legitimate copy of one of the textbooks listed at the Pirate Bay, John McMurry's "Organic Chemistry." A new copy has a list price of $209.95; discounted, it's about $150; used copies run $110 and up. To many students, those prices are outrageous, set by profit-engorged corporations (and assisted by callous professors, who choose which texts are required). Helping themselves to gratis pirated copies may seem natural, especially when hard drives are loaded with lots of other products picked up free.

But many people outside of the students' enclosed world would call that plain theft.

Compared with music publishers, textbook publishers have been relatively protected from piracy by the considerable trouble entailed in digitizing a printed textbook. Converting the roughly 1,300 pages of "Organic Chemistry" into a digital file requires much more time than ripping a CD.

The textbook publishers have abundantly good reasons to promote e-books. When Cengage sells an e-book version of "Organic Chemistry" directly to students, for $109.99, it not only cuts out the middleman but also reduces the supply of used books at the end of the semester.

THE e-book is wrapped with digital rights management, which, history indicates, will be broken sooner or later. But as long as it does work, digital publishing with a subscription model is a much fairer basis for the business. Such an arrangement spreads revenue across multiple semesters, so it isn't the unfortunate few students in the first semester with a new edition who shoulder the bulk of the burden.

A one-semester e-book subscription does require a change in expectations. Students cannot sell their texts at the end of a course, so buying one can't be viewed as a short-term investment to be cashed out. But as students show no attachment to textbooks in any case, the loss of access after semester's end seems likely to go unlamented.

Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business at San Jose State University. E-mail: stross@nytimes.com.

First it was downloads. Now it's organic chemistry. - International Herald Tribune

Electronic Publication and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship -- Evans 321 (5887): 395 -- Science

Electronic Publication and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship -- Evans 321 (5887): 395 -- Science 

Science 18 July 2008:
Vol. 321. no. 5887, pp. 395 - 399
DOI: 10.1126/science.1150473

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Electronic Publication and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship

James A. Evans

Online journals promise to serve more information to more dispersed audiences and are more efficiently searched and recalled. But because they are used differently than print—scientists and scholars tend to search electronically and follow hyperlinks rather than browse or peruse—electronically available journals may portend an ironic change for science. Using a database of 34 million articles, their citations (1945 to 2005), and online availability (1998 to 2005), I show that as more journal issues came online, the articles referenced tended to be more recent, fewer journals and articles were cited, and more of those citations were to fewer journals and articles. The forced browsing of print archives may have stretched scientists and scholars to anchor findings deeply into past and present scholarship. Searching online is more efficient and following hyperlinks quickly puts researchers in touch with prevailing opinion, but this may accelerate consensus and narrow the range of findings and ideas built upon.

Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL60615, USA. E-mail: jevans@uchicago.edu

Scholarship about "digital libraries" and "information technology" has focused on the superiority of the electronic provision of research. A recent Panel Report from the U.S. President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC), "Digital Libraries: Universal Access to Human Knowledge," captures the tone: "All citizens anywhere anytime can use any Internet-connected digital device to search all of human knowledge.... In this vision, no classroom, group, or person is ever isolated from the world's greatest knowledge resources" (1, 2). This perspective overlooks the nature of the interface between the user and the information (3). There has been little discussion of browsing/searching technology or its potential effect on science and scholarship.

Recent research into the practice of library usage measures the use of print and electronic resources with surveys, database access logs, circulation records, and reshelving counts. Despite differences in methodology, researchers agree that print use is declining as electronic use increases (4), and that general users prefer online material to print (5). These studies are also in general agreement about the three most common practices used by scientists and scholars who publish. First, most experts browse or briefly scan a small number of core journals in print or online to build awareness of current research (6). After relevant articles are discovered online, these are often printed and perused in depth on paper (7). A second practice is to search by topic in an online article database. In recent years, the percentage of papers read as a result of browsing has dropped and been replaced by the results of online searches, especially for the most productive scientists and scholars (8). Finally, subject experts use hyperlinks in online articles to view referenced or related articles (6). Disciplinary differences exist. For example, biologists prefer to browse online, whereas medical professionals place a premium on purchasing and browsing in print. In sum, researchers peruse in print, browse in print or online (9), and search and follow citations online. These findings follow from the organization and accessibility of print and online papers. Print holdings reside either in a physical "stack" by journal and topic, arranged historically, or in a "recent publications" area. For print journals, the table of contents—its list of titles and authors—serves as the primary index. Online archives allow people to browse within journals, but they also facilitate searching the entire archive of available journals. In online interfaces where searching and browsing are both options (e.g., 3 ProQuest, Ovid, EBSCO, JSTOR, etc.), the searching option (e.g., button) is almost always placed first on the interface because logs demonstrate more frequent usage. When searched as an undifferentiated archive of papers, titles, abstracts, and sometimes the full text can be searched by relevance and by date. Because electronic indexing is richer, experts may still browse in print, but they search online (10).

What is the effect of online availability of journal issues? It is possible that by making more research more available, online searching could conceivably broaden the work cited and lead researchers, as a collective, away from the "core" journals of their fields and to dispersed but individually relevant work. I will show, however, that even as deeper journal back issues became available online, scientists and scholars cited more recent articles; even as more total journals became available online, fewer were cited.

Citation data were drawn from Thompson Scientific's Science, Social Science, and Arts and Humanities Citation Indexes, the most complete source of citation data available. Citation Index (CI) data currently include articles and associated citations from the 6000 most highly cited journals in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities going back as far as 1945, for a total of over 50 million articles. The CI flags more than 98% of its journals with from 1 to 3 of a possible 300 content codes, such as "condensed matter physics," "ornithology," and "inorganic and nuclear chemistry." Citation patterns were then linked with data tracking the online availability of journals from Information Today, Inc.'s Fulltext Sources Online (FSO).

FSO is the oldest and largest publication about electronic journal availability. Information Today began publishing FSO biannually in 1998, indicating which journals were available in which commercial electronic archives (e.g., Lexis-Nexis, EBSCO, Ovid, etc.) or if they were available freely on their own Web site, and for how many back issues. Merged together by ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), the CI and FSO data allowed me to capture how article online availability changes the use of published knowledge in subsequent research. FSO's source distinction further allows comparison of print access with the different electronic channels through which scientists and scholars obtained articles—whether a privately maintained commercial portal or the open Internet. The combined CI-FSO data set resulted in 26,002,796 articles whose journals came online by 2006 and a distinct 8,090,813 (in addition to the 26 million) that referenced them. Figure 1 shows the speed of the shift toward commercial and free electronic provision of articles, and how deepening backfiles have made more early science readily available in recent years.

Figure 1
Fig. 1. Distribution of online journal availability in ISI-FSO data through (A) commercial subscription and (B) free through journal Web site. "Hot" regions of the graph correspond to journal issues just a few years behind the years in which they are available online, e.g., in 2003, more journals were commercially and freely available from 1999—about 1000 and 500, respectively—than from any other year. The figure highlights how journal issues increasingly came online from the 1940s, '50s, and '60s in 2004 and 2005. [View Larger Version of this Image (36K GIF file)]

Panel regression models were used to explore the relation between online article availability and citation activity—average historical depth of citations, number of distinct articles and journals cited, and Herfindahl concentration of citations to particular articles and journals—over time (details on methods are in the Supporting Online Material). Because studies show substantial variation in reading and research patterns by area, I used fixed-effect specifications to compare journals and subfields only to themselves over time as their online availability shifted. In this way, the pattern of citations to a journal or subfield was compared when available only in print, in print and online through a commercial archive, and online for free.

The first question was whether depth of citation—years between articles and the work they reference—is predicted by the depth of journal issues online—how many years back issues were electronically available during the previous year when scientists presumably drafted them into their papers. For subfields, this was calculated as years from the first journal's availability. These data were collected in publication windows of 20 years, and so only data from 1965—20 years after the beginning of the data set—were used. For the entire data set, citations pointed to articles published an average of 5.6 years previously (table S1). The average number of years journal articles were available online is only 1.85 (the data go back to 1945), but with a standard deviation of 5 years and a maximum of more than 60 years. Analysis was performed by citation year and within journal or subfield. The standard ordinary least squares (OLS) method for linear regression was used in generating all the results to be described.

All regression models contained variables used to account and statistically control for alternative explanations of why citations might refer to more recent articles. A sequence of integers from 1 to 40, corresponding to citation years 1965 through 2005, was included to account for a general trend of increasing citations over time (the estimates for this variable were always positive and statistically significant, P < 0.001). Average number of pages and average number of references in citing articles were both included to account for the possibility that citations are more recent because articles are shorter with fewer references and the earliest ones have been disproportionately "censored" by publishers (estimates for pages were positive but not always significant; those for references were always positive and significant, P < 0.001: longer articles with more references referred to earlier work). A measure of the average age of title words was also included in the models to account for the possibility that in recent years, research has concerned more recent concepts or recently discovered (or invented) phenomena. This was calculated by taking the age of each title word within the relevant publication window for the analysis (e.g., prior 20 years) and then multiplying it by a weight for each word i in title j equivalent to Formula where tfij equals the frequency of term i in title j and dfi equals the number of articles in a given year that contain term i out of the total number of annual articles N (11). This approach highly weights distinguishing title terms (e.g., buckey-balls, microRNA) and gives lesser weight to broad area terms (e.g., gene, ocean) and virtually no weight to universal words (e.g., and, the). Regression coefficients for the title age measures were always positive and significant (P < 0.0001), indicating that titles with older terms referenced earlier articles. Each model also contained a constant with a significant negative estimate.

The graphs in Fig. 2 trace the influence of online access, estimated from the entire sample of articles, and illustrated for journals and subfields with the mean number of citations. Figure 2A shows the simultaneous effect of commercial and free online availability on the average age of citations. Consider a journal whose articles reference prior work that is, on average, 5.6 years old—the sample mean. If that journal's issues become available online for an additional 15 years, both commercially and for free, the average age of references would decrease to less than 4.5 years, falling by 0.088 years for each new online year available. The within-subfield models followed the same pattern, although confidence intervals were wider (tables S2 to S4).

Figure 2
Fig. 2. Estimated influence of commercial and free online article availability (in years of journal issues available online) on (A) mean age of citations (based on OLS regression coefficients); (B) distinct number of articles and journals cited (based on exponentiated maximum likelihood negative binomial regression coefficients); and (C) Herfindahl concentration of citations within particular articles and journals (based on OLS regression coefficients). Each of these relations is illustrated relative to the sample mean of citation age, number, and concentration; each relation illustrated represents an underlying model that accounts for citation year, number of pages, and number of references in citing articles; the underlying citation age model also accounts for the mean weighted age of weighted title words in citing articles. Estimated percentage change, given one additional year of online availability, for (D) number of distinct articles and journals cited and (E) Herfindahl concentration within those citations, when enlarging the window in which citation measures are evaluated, from 1 to 30 years—1975 to 2005. [View Larger Version of this Image (45K GIF file)]

To determine the effect of online availability on the amount of distinct research cited, I explored the relation between the distinct number of articles and journals cited in a given citation year by depth of online availability. The number of distinct articles and journals was calculated over a 20-year window, as in the previous analysis. For the average journal, 632 articles were cited each year, but this ranges widely. Because citation values are discrete and because high values concentrate within a few core journals but vary widely among the others, I modeled its relation with online availability by means of negative binomial models (12). The negative binomial is a generalization of the Poisson model that allows for an additional source of variance above that due to pure sampling error. A fixed-effects specification of this model refers not to the coefficient estimates but to the "dispersion parameter," forcing the estimated variance of citations to be the same within journals or subfields, but allowing it to take on any value across them. These models were estimated with the maximum likelihood method and produced coefficient estimates that, when exponentiated, can be interpreted as the ratio of (i) the number of distinct articles cited after a 1-year increase in the electronic provision of journals over (ii) the number of articles cited without an online increase. One can subtract 1 from these ratios and multiply by 100 to obtain the percentage change of a 1-year increase in online availability on the number of distinct items cited. All models contained measures that statistically control for citation year, average number of pages, and references in citing articles.

In each subsequent year from 1965 to 2005, more distinct articles were cited from journals and subfields. The pool of published science is growing, and more of it is archived in the CI each year. Online availability, however, has not driven this trend. Figure 2B illustrates the simultaneous effect of free and online availability on the number of distinct articles cited in journals, and the number of distinct articles and journals cited in subfields. The panels portray these effects for a hypothetical journal and subfield receiving the sample mean of citations. With five additional years of free and commercial online availability, the number of distinct articles cited within journal would drop from 600 to 200; the number of articles cited within subfields would drop from 25,000 to 15,000; and the number of journals cited within subfields would drop from 19 to 16. This suggests that online availability may have reduced the number of distinct articles and journals cited below what it would have been had journals not gone online. Provision of one additional year of issues online for free associates with 14% fewer distinct articles cited.

Fewer distinct articles and journals were cited soon after they went online. Although this influenced the overall concentration of article citations in science, it did not fully determine it. Citations may be spread more evenly over fewer articles to more broadly disperse scientific attention. To assess the degree to which online provision influences the concentration of citations to just a few articles (and journals), I computed a Herfindahl index, where Formula represents the percentage of citations s to each article j, squared and summed across journal or subfield i within the 20-year time window examined. A concentration of 1 indicates that every citation to journal i in a given year is to a single article; a concentration just less than 1 suggests a high proportion of citations pointing to just a few articles; and a concentration approaching zero implies that citations reach out evenly to a large number of articles. Herfindahl concentrations of articles cited in journals ranged from 0.0000933 to 1 in this sample, with an average of 0.088 and a wide standard deviation of 0.195. Where no articles were cited, no concentrations could be computed. Regression models were used to examine whether citation concentration to articles from the last 20 years could be attributed to depth of online availability. As in previous models, these were estimated for articles within journals and for articles and journals within subfields, by means of both commercial and free electronic provision. Citation concentrations are approximately normally distributed and the models were estimated with OLS.

Figure 2C illustrates the concurrent influence of commercial and free online provision on the concentration of citations to particular articles and journals. The left panel shows that the number of years of commercial availability appears to significantly increase concentration of citations to fewer articles within a journal. If an additional 10 years of journal issues were to go online via any commercial source, the model predicts that its citation concentration would rise from 0.088 to 0.105, an increase of nearly 20%. Free electronic availability had a slight negative effect on the concentration of articles cited within journals, but it had a marginally positive effect on the concentration of articles cited within subfields (middle panel) and appeared to substantially drive up the concentration of citations to central journals within subfields (right panel). Commercial provision had a consistent positive effect on citation concentration in both articles and journals. The collective similarity between commercial and free access for all models discussed suggests that online access—whatever its source—reshapes knowledge discovery and use in the same way. For all models, similar results were obtained when journals' presence in multiple (e.g., one, two, and three or more) commercial archives was accounted for and modeled simultaneously.

Although 20 years is not an unreasonable window of time within which to examine the effect of online availability on citations, it does not capture the trend of the effect. For example, one can imagine that online provision increases the distinct number of articles cited and decreases the citation concentration for recent articles, but hastens convergence to canonical classics in the more distant past. To explore this possibility, I performed the same analyses but calculated variables with expanding windows ranging from the last year to the last 30 years. To keep samples comparable, I estimated all models on data from 1975 (1945 plus a 30-year window) to 2005, and so the 20-year window coefficients do not correspond perfectly to the effects illustrated earlier. Estimated percentage changes in the number of articles and journals cited and the Herfindahl citation concentration within those citations were calculated as associated with a 1-year extension of online availability. These estimates and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals are graphed in Fig. 2, D and E. Increased online provision in the preceding year was associated with a decrease in the number of distinct articles cited within journals and articles and journals cited within subfields most in recent years (Fig. 2D). A 1-year change in online availability corresponded to a 9% drop in articles cited in the last year, but only a 7% drop in articles cited in the past 20 and 30 years. The pattern was the same for articles and journals within subfields (tables S2 to S4). The citation window's effect on citation concentration was not so consistent (Fig. 2E). Nevertheless, in the case of article concentrations within subfields, the Herfindahl concentration increase was highest—1.5% per year of online availability—when calculated for references to only the last year's articles.

The models presented are limited in a number of ways. For example, journals such as Science use Supporting Online Material for "Materials and Methods," which frequently include references not indexed by the CI. It is theoretically possible, though unlikely, that these references are to earlier or more diverse articles. Moreover, by studying only conventional journals, this study fails to capture newer scientific media like science blogs, wikis, and online outlets exploring alternative models of peer review. These new media almost undoubtedly link to extremely recent scientific developments—often through ephemeral Web links (13)—but they may also point to more diverse materials.

Collectively, the models presented illustrate that as journal archives came online, either through commercial vendors or freely, citation patterns shifted. As deeper backfiles became available, more recent articles were referenced; as more articles became available, fewer were cited and citations became more concentrated within fewer articles. These changes likely mean that the shift from browsing in print to searching online facilitates avoidance of older and less relevant literature. Moreover, hyperlinking through an online archive puts experts in touch with consensus about what is the most important prior work—what work is broadly discussed and referenced. With both strategies, experts online bypass many of the marginally related articles that print researchers skim. If online researchers can more easily find prevailing opinion, they are more likely to follow it, leading to more citations referencing fewer articles. Research on the extreme inequality of Internet hyperlinks (14), scientific citations (15, 16), and other forms of "preferential attachment" (17, 18) suggests that near-random differences in quality amplify when agents become aware of each other's choices. Agents view others' choices as relevant information—a signal of quality—and factor them into their own reading and citation selections. By enabling scientists to quickly reach and converge with prevailing opinion, electronic journals hasten scientific consensus. But haste may cost more than the subscription to an online archive: Findings and ideas that do not become consensus quickly will be forgotten quickly.

This research ironically intimates that one of the chief values of print library research is poor indexing. Poor indexing—indexing by titles and authors, primarily within core journals—likely had unintended consequences that assisted the integration of science and scholarship. By drawing researchers through unrelated articles, print browsing and perusal may have facilitated broader comparisons and led researchers into the past. Modern graduate education parallels this shift in publication—shorter in years, more specialized in scope, culminating less frequently in a true dissertation than an album of articles (19).

The move to online science appears to represent one more step on the path initiated by the much earlier shift from the contextualized monograph, like Newton's Principia (20) or Darwin's Origin of Species (21), to the modern research article. The Principia and Origin, each produced over the course of more than a decade, not only were engaged in current debates, but wove their propositions into conversation with astronomers, geometers, and naturalists from centuries past. As 21st-century scientists and scholars use online searching and hyperlinking to frame and publish their arguments more efficiently, they weave them into a more focused—and more narrow—past and present.

References and Notes

  • 1. R. Reddy et al., "Digital Libraries: Universal Access to Human Knowledge" (President's Information Technology Advisory Committee, Panel on Digital Libraries, 2001); www.nitrd.gov/pubs/pitac/pitac-dl-9feb01.pdf.
  • 2. The report (1) qualifies the vision of universal access, but only by admitting that "more `quality' digital contents" must be made available and better IT infrastructure must deliver them.
  • 3. M. McLuhan, Understanding Media (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964), chap. 1.
  • 4. S. Black, Libr. Resour. Tech. Serv. 49, 19 (2005). [ISI]
  • 5. S. L. De Groote, J. L. Dorsch, J. Med. Libr. Assoc. 91, 231 (2003). [ISI] [Medline]
  • 6. C. Tenopir, B. Hitchcock, S. A. Pillow, "Use and Users of Electronic Library Resources: An Overview and Analysis of Recent Research Studies" (Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington, DC, 2003).
  • 7. A. Friedlander, "Dimensions and Use of the Scholarly Information Environment: Introduction to a Data Set Assembled by the Digital Library Federation and Outsell, Inc." (Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington, DC, 2002); www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub110/contents.html.
  • 8. P. Boyce, D. W. King, C. Montgomery, C. Tenopir, Ser. Libr. 46, 121 (2004). [CrossRef]
  • 9. C. Tenopir, D. W. King, A. Bush, J. Med. Libr. Assoc. 92, 233 (2004). [ISI] [Medline]
  • 10. C. Shirky, "Ontology is Overrated: Categories, Links and Tags" (Clay Shirky's Writings About the Internet: Economics & Culture, Media & Community, Open Source, 2005); www.shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html.
  • 11. C. Manning, H. Schütz, Foundations of Natural Language Processing (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999).
  • 12. J. Hausman, B. H. Hall, Z. Griliches, Econometrica 52, 909 (1984). [CrossRef] [ISI]
  • 13. R. P. Dellavalle et al., Science 302, 787 (2003).[Abstract/Free Full Text]
  • 14. A. L. Barabási, R. Albert, Science 286, 509 (1999).[Abstract/Free Full Text]
  • 15. R. K. Merton, Science 159, 56 (1968).[Abstract/Free Full Text]
  • 16. D. J. de Solla Price, Science 149, 510 (1965).[Free Full Text]
  • 17. H. A. Simon, Biometrika 42, 425 (1955).[Free Full Text]
  • 18. M. J. Salganik, P. S. Dodds, D. J. Watts, Science 311, 854 (2006).[Abstract/Free Full Text]
  • 19. J. Berger, "Exploring ways to shorten the ascent to a Ph.D.," New York Times, 3 October 2007; www.nytimes.com/2007/10/03/education/03education.html.
  • 20. I. Newton, Principia (Macmillan, New York, ed. 4, 1883) (first published in 1687).
  • 21. C. Darwin, The Origin of Species (D. Appleton, New York, 1867) (first published in 1859).
  • 22. I gratefully acknowledge research support from NSF grant 0242971, Science Citation Index data from Thompson Scientific, Inc., and Fulltext Sources Online data from Information Today, Inc. I also thank J. Reimer for helpful discussion and insight.

Supporting Online Material



Tables S1 to S4


Received for publication 13 September 2007. Accepted for publication 9 June 2008.

Electronic Publication and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship -- Evans 321 (5887): 395 -- Science

Microsoft Research Unveils Free Software Tools to Help Scholars and Researchers Share Knowledge


Microsoft Research Unveils Free Software Tools to Help Scholars and Researchers Share Knowledge

REDMOND, Wash., July 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- At the ninth annual Microsoft Research Faculty Summit today, leaders from Microsoft Research outlined their vision for how Microsoft Corp. and academics can collaborate on research projects to develop technological breakthroughs that will define computing and scientific research in the years ahead.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO)

Speaking to more than 400 faculty members from leading research institutions worldwide, Tony Hey, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s External Research Division, emphasized the role his group plays not only in supporting specific collaborative research projects, but also in improving the process of research and its role in the innovation ecosystem, including developing and supporting efforts in open access, open tools, open technology and interoperability. Toward that end, Hey announced a set of free software tools aimed at allowing researchers to seamlessly publish, preserve and share data throughout the entire scholarly communication life cycle. He also discussed collaborative initiatives intended to unlock the potential of multicore computing.

In the area of scholarly communication, Hey said, "Collecting and analyzing data, authoring, publishing, and preserving information are all essential components of the everyday work of researchers -- with collaboration and search and discovery at the heart of the entire process. We’re supporting that scholarly communication life cycle with free software tools to improve interoperability with existing tools used commonly by academics and scholars to better meet their research needs."

Microsoft researchers partnered with academia throughout the development of these tools to obtain input on the application of technology to the needs of the academic community, while Microsoft product groups submitted feedback on how the company’s technology could optimally address the entire research process. The collective efforts resulted in the first wave of many tools designed to support academics across the scholarly communication life cycle.

The following tools are freely available now at http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/tc/scholarly_communication.mspx:

-- Add-ins. The Article Authoring Add-in for Word 2007 enables metadata to be captured at the authoring stage to preserve document structure and semantic information throughout the publishing process, which is essential for enabling search, discovery and analysis in subsequent stages of the life cycle. The Creative Commons Add-in for Office 2007 allows authors to embed Creative Commons licenses directly into an Office document (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) by linking to the Creative Commons site via a Web service.

-- The Microsoft e-Journal Service. This offering provides a hosted, full-service solution that facilitates easy self-publishing of online-only journals to facilitate the availability of conference proceedings and small and medium-sized journals.

-- Research Output Repository Platform. This platform helps capture and leverage semantic relationships among academic objects -- such as papers, lectures, presentations and video -- to greatly facilitate access to these items in exciting new ways.

-- The Research Information Centre. In close partnership with the British Library, this collaborative workspace will be hosted via Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and will allow researchers to collaborate throughout the entire research project workflow, from seeking research funding to searching and collecting information, as well as managing data, papers and other research objects throughout the research process.

"Technology that effectively addresses the increasing need to integrate the research life cycle and provide a holistic end-to-end perspective has the potential to revolutionize the way academics collect data, publish findings and preserve information," said Daniel Pollock, vice president and lead analyst at Outsell Inc., a research and advisory firm specializing in the information and education industries. "Companies that work closely with academia can understand how their products might benefit the scholarly workflow and so inform their product development. Microsoft is engaged with the academic community and is releasing a series of tools aimed at streamlining the academic workflow."

Microsoft External Research has a history of supporting groundbreaking research, supporting approximately 400 research projects worldwide last year alone. One area of particular focus has been parallel computing, as exemplified by the creation of a Joint Research Centre with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and two Universal Parallel Computing Research Centers in partnership with Intel Corporation, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the past year. Furthering Microsoft’s efforts to unlock the potential of multicore processing, Hey announced that his group will provide $1.5 million to seven academic research projects as part of the Safe and Scalable Multicore Computing Program, with the goal of stimulating impactful research in multicore software.

Under Hey’s leadership, the Microsoft External Research team, which complements the work pursued by more than 800 Microsoft researchers in the larger Microsoft Research organization, accelerates the company’s efforts to build lasting public-private partnerships with global scientific and engineering communities. In collaboration with scientists and researchers from industry, academia and government, the External Research team pursues advances in four important areas of research: computer science; earth, energy and environment; education and scholarly communications; and health and well-being.

More information about the annual Microsoft Research Faculty Summit is available at http://www.research.microsoft.com/workshops/FS2008.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Serious YouTube test of copyright law - WORLD Law Direct Forums

Serious YouTube test of copyright law - WORLD Law Direct Forums 

Serious YouTube test of copyright law

A woman who posted a home video on YouTube of her 13-month-old son dancing to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" squared off Friday against entertainment giant Universal Music Corp. in a federal court case that tests copyright law.
The issue in Stephanie Lenz's lawsuit against Universal is whether the owner of the rights to a creative work that's being used without permission can order the Web host to remove it without first considering whether the infringement was actually a legal fair use - a small or innocuous replication that couldn't affect the market for the original work.
Lenz's lawyers, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, say her 29-second video, with fuzzy camerawork and unclear sound, was such an obvious noncommercial fair use that Universal should have to reimburse her for the costs of taking it out of circulation for more than a month last year.
The company's lawyers say the 1998 federal law that authorized copyright-holders to issue takedown orders didn't require any such inquiry - in fact, they argue, there's no such thing as an obvious fair use.
No court has ever addressed the issue, said U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel of San Jose, who is presiding over the case.
Lenz, a writer and editor from Gallitzin, Pa., used her digital camera to take the video of her son, Holden, dancing to "Let's Go Crazy" on a home CD player in February 2007, and she posted the file on YouTube for family and friends, her lawyers said.
Four months later, Universal, which owns the rights to the song, ordered YouTube to remove the video and nearly 200 others involving compositions by Prince. Copyright owners gained that power under the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which allows them to remove Web postings that they believe to be unauthorized duplicates without having to sue for infringement.
Lenz, exercising her rights under the same law, notified YouTube several weeks later that her video is legal and ordered it restored. YouTube complied after waiting two weeks, as required by law, to see whether Universal would sue Lenz for copyright infringement - a suit that would have allowed her to claim fair use as a defense. Lenz then sued Universal in Northern California, YouTube's home district, claiming the takedown order was an abuse of the copyright law.
"There must be some requirement that a copyright owner both consider fair uses and determine honestly whether they exist before sending their (takedown) notice," Lenz's lawyer, Corynne McSherry, said in court papers.
She said the video, which focuses on the toddler and contains only a snippet of the song, couldn't have any conceivable impact on the market Universal's copyright was meant to protect.
But Fogel, at Friday's hearing, said he was concerned that requiring copyright holders to consider the possibility of fair use before ordering a takedown puts judges in the business of "trying to read their minds" and seems to be an expansion of the 1998 law.
Universal's lawyer, Kelly Klaus, argued that even brief homemade videos have a potential commercial effect if they proliferate on a site like YouTube and that Lenz's posting flies in the face of the 1998 law, which allows copyright holders to order removal of work believed to be an infringement.
By Ms.Bobby Aanand, Metropolitan Jury.

Serious YouTube test of copyright law - WORLD Law Direct Forums

DigitalKoans » Blog Archive » Bibliography of Open Access Released


Bibliography of Open Access Released

The Open Access Directory has released the Bibliography of Open Access.

The Bibliography of Open Access is based on my Open Access Bibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-Prints and Open Access Journals, which was published in 2005 by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.

With my permission and the agreement of ARL, most of the Open Access Bibliography has been converted to the MediaWiki format to form the basis of the Bibliography of Open Access. The new bibliography will be authored by registered Open Access Directory users, who can add or edit references. It is under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

The initial version of new bibliography has live links; however, they were last updated in August 2004, when the text of the Open Access Bibliography was frozen for print publication preparation. These links can now be updated by registered users.

The Open Access Bibliography, which contains textual sections not found in the Bibliography of Open Access, remains freely available in HTML and PDF formats at Digital Scholarship and as a printed book.

The Editor of the Open Access Directory is Robin Peek, the Associate Editor is David Goodman, and the Assistant Editor is Athanasia Pontika. The OAD editors, Peter Suber, and myself worked as a team on the initial version of the Bibliography of Open Access.

DigitalKoans » Blog Archive » Bibliography of Open Access Released

About-Face: Psychological Association Will Not Charge for Open Access - Chronicle.com

About-Face: Psychological Association Will Not Charge for Open Access - Chronicle.com 

About-Face: Psychological Association Will Not Charge for Open Access

Apparently charging scholarly authors $2,500 to place their articles in a free online database wasn’t such a good idea. Facing withering criticism from open-access advocates, the American Psychological Association has announced that the fee policy “is currently being re-examined and is not being implemented at this time.”

After the plan to charge authors and their universities was reported by The Chronicle last week, some critics called the psychological association “cash-flow hounds.” The association had planned to levy the charge against authors for placing their articles in PubMed Central, the online database run by the National Institutes of Health.

The fee put researchers in a bind because the NIH’s guidelines require scientists with its grants to place their articles in the database, but the psychological-association plan would charge those researchers a fee for complying with the rule. An association official told The Chronicle that the group was considering the fee to recoup lost revenue from journal subscriptions and licenses due to open access.

Peter Suber, in the Open Access News blog, says he applauds the change of heart but worries that the new position is only temporary because the association says the policy is still being re-examined. —Josh Fischman

About-Face: Psychological Association Will Not Charge for Open Access - Chronicle.com

Know your Copy Rights!


ARL has a website devoted to supporting librarians in educating teaching faculty about copyright on their site Know Your Copyrights: Using Copyrighted Works in the Academic Setting. The focus of this website is the use of copyrighted works by others in teaching and learning. ARL provides a customizable brochure aimed to educate faculty on copyright compliance.

Using Copyrighted Works in the Academic Setting

ARL/SPARC has also put out information advising faculty how to retain their own copyrights for their authored work. The Author’s Rights website has many resources for authors including a downloadable brochure, powerpoint presentation and author addendum.


The Create Change initiative (also sponsored by ARL/SPARC), goes one step further by suggesting ways faculty and researchers can modify the scholarly communications paradigm. And ARL’s Scholarly Communications Toolkit offers additional supporting information to librarians and researchers.

Science Library Pad: STM publishers imprisoned in their own walled gardens?

Science Library Pad: STM publishers imprisoned in their own walled gardens? 

STM publishers imprisoned in their own walled gardens?

The latest Outsell Insight (about OA issues but itself, very much for-pay), by Daniel Pollock, has some rather controversial things to say about scientific communications.  He starts by discussing the controversy over Declan Butler's article "PLoS stays afloat with bulk publishing", highlighting Timo Hannay's posting about the controversy.

The gist of Pollock's piece in my reading is that publishers may have to consider becoming (at most) solely peer-review services, with the resulting articles being in repositories, the benefit being that the articles can be discovered and mined openly.  A few snippets:

Much scholarly communication takes place outside the STM publishers' domain, via conferences, proceedings, data sets and so forth, none of which fit the process of the peer reviewed research article. Scientists have long (always?) been collaborative creatures - and the digital age means that scientists, and science itself, no longer need publishers to handle the distribution and sharing of information.


Perhaps funders are not advocating the open repository as part of some grievance towards STM publishers, but in order to create new ecosystem in which the next generation of R&D productivity tools can evolve.


Automated knowledge discovery processes require unfettered access to content.... And - to anticipate the common objection - don't think that harboring "the definitive version of the article" is necessary either! Text mining tools are increasingly capable of disambiguating multiple sources...

we issue a warning to the proponents of the peer-reviewed journal article: beware of overstating your value to the process of science! The longer its focus on its narrow part of the scholarly communications process continues, the more the STM publishing community will seem out of touch, and the more likely that - whether it charges for access or not - it will become a prisoner in its own walled garden.

Nature Publishing Group Sets the Cat Amongst the Pigeons of Open Access, But Maybe We're All Missing the Point - by Daniel Pollock, Vice President & Lead Analyst - London, UK - July 18, 2008

I'm afraid the above bits don't really give the full shape of his argument.  I think he makes some compelling points, but is I think overly optimistic on the attention and technology side of things.  Journals aggregate interesting science - many scientists still very much like a group of qualified editors and peer reviewers providing a filter on the deluge.   Secondly, while knowledge discovery requires unfettered access for machines to content, I don't see why that necessarily implies unfettered access for humans.  You can perfectly well have an API that lets machines mine full-text, while still putting up a paywall for humans.  As well, I think the versions issue is very challenging, and we are a long way from reliable automatic disambiguation and identification of authoritative copies.  Finally, many conference proceedings already are peer-reviewed, and we can certainly imagine peer review extending to other areas, such as data sets.

I do think that the idea of the imprimateur of peer review existing outside the journal package is an interesting one, it's one of the concepts I covered in my article "Technical solutions: Evolving peer review for the internet"

An article or blog entry submitted to, and passed by, a stand-alone peer review service might be recorded in a public registry, or be digitally signed as part of the certification process.

As well, I do think the point that publishers have to think more about (and provide services for) the overall system of scholarly communication is well-taken, and I think we already seen both Nature Publishing Group and Elsevier (amongst others) taking many strides in this area.

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Posted by Richard Akerman on July 21, 2008

Science Library Pad: STM publishers imprisoned in their own walled gardens?